Hey everyone! Let’s take a ride on how I started my content-creating journey.
I was a wide-eyed media student who had entered the ever-evolving digital landscape and this choice of mine not only redefined my understanding of creativity and media but also shaped my career path. Since then, it has been a whirlwind of learning, challenges, mistakes, and moments and little did I know that one day this would lead me to find my passion for content creation.
Lights, Camera, Classroom
My media studies journey began with my curiosity to try to understand the media landscape better. As a COVID batch student, my consumption of digital media significantly increased and the world of visual communication had almost engulfed me. This pushed me to take up Media Studies as my career and further delve into the world of storytelling. I had spent hours analysing films frame-by-frame and spent countless hours hunched over editing software. On a very honest note, while the academic side is enriching it never appealed to me as I craved more for a personal outlet, a space where I could experiment more and let my imagination be the driver of my projects which the confines of my classroom was not able to give me.
Taking the plunge
This craving of wanting to do and explore more made me enter the creative space of social media. However, social media started innocently enough sharing only snippets of my life on whims. And completely out of the blue something unexpected happened - people started connecting to my stories, sharing my piece of content as a means for them to express their feelings. I started my content creation journey as a food blogger but eventually shifted to making content that resonates with everyone on an everyday basis. Slowly, but surely I have been able to grow a community of users who have resonated with my humour, found solace in my stories and engaged with my perspective.
The Rollercoaster Begins
The rollercoaster of emotions for me has just begun and I am often flooded with positive and supportive comments - it is extremely addictive. But, I have very much understood the constant pressure of creating new and different content every day, the algorithm’s ever-changing whims, and the negative feedback - it is a rollercoaster of a ride.
Learning On The Fly
I have learned countless lessons on my journey so far. I have realised how important it is to be authentic and honest with the content that I post, the power of community building, and the consistency that I need to have to navigate through the world of digital media. I am learning every day how to hone my skills more and more or content creation, experimenting more with different formats, and learning to adapt to social media the ever-fluctuating trends.
The Rewards and Challenges
I have come a long way from where I started and where I am today. This path never started as rainbow coloured nor will it ever be. But like every other career path, it has its cons and rewards. The ability to connect to people, to inspire and to seek inspiration, and the opportunity to use my platform to advocate for causes that I believe in, I am never trading this for anything else.
The Road Ahead
The journey continues and every day I am evolving as a creator. There are new stories, challenges and platforms that are waiting for me to explore, learn and grow in. This is just the beginning of my unique journey and I am filled with excitement to find out where this crazy content-filled journey of mine is going to take me next.