Koraishutir kochuri
![Koraishutir kochuri](https://s3-ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/betterbutterbucket-silver/priya-das020190107205240312.jpeg)
Koraishutir kochuri is particularly associated with winter and is a favourite, especially during the celebration of Poush Parbon, the harvest festival. The filling of the fluffy bread is made with the in-season koraishuti (green peas), which are often mashed or coarsely ground and mixed with spices like ginger, green chillies, hing (asafoetida) and cumin seeds. The dough is made from refined flour (maida), water and a pinch of salt; it’s kneaded into a smooth consistency and allowed to rest before being rolled into small discs. Small portions of the dough are filled with the green pea mixture, sealed and then rolled out into flat, round shapes. These are then deep-fried until they become golden brown and puffed. Koraishutir kochuri has a crisp and flaky texture on the outside, while the combination of textures and the burst of flavours inside make it a delightful snack.